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Phone - (02) 6033 6000
Mon - Sat: 10am to 5pm
Sun: 10am - 4pm

Closed Good Friday & Christmas Day
Private tasting & bus group by appointment.

Campbells Wines
4603 Murray Valley Highway, PO Box 44, Rutherglen, Victoria 3685, AUSTRALIA

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Campbells Winery

(02) 6033 6000

4603 Murray Valley Highway Rutherglen Victoria 3685

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Cellar Door

Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm
Sunday 10am – 4pm

Closed Good Friday & Christmas Day. Private tasting & bus group by appointment.

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A Special Tribute – Colin Campbell OAM

In a special edition of the Cellar Club News, we wanted to pay tribute to our great leader and legend of the wine industry, Colin Campbell OAM. Below is our tribute to the great man, featuring special quotes from colleagues, friends and family…

“And so on Friday 17th May 2019 we bid farewell to Colin Campbell at a beautiful ceremony in the cellars at the winery. It was a glorious Autumn day and an enormous crowd from near and far and all walks of life gathered to pay their respects to Col. Gavin, our loyal piper played, hymns were sung, milestones of Col’s long spanning career were highlighted and personal memories were shared. It truly was a moving and wonderful celebration of Col’s life. To share this celebration of Col’s life we have collated favorite photos and special words from those whose lives he had touched over the years.”

From Colleagues in the Wine Industry
“His work with our iconic Muscat will be a lasting legacy for our Rutherglen Region, as well as the Australian Wine Industry.”
“His humility, his respect for others, his knowledge. His interest in others, his passion for the wine industry, his beloved Rutherglen, his treasured Muscat and of course his dynasty; Campbells Wines. Rutherglen, Victoria, Australia and the wine world at large is a lesser place for his passing.’’
“A gentle giant of the wine industry.’’
“I first met Colin when I was just starting out in wine writing. He was so generous with his time and his knowledge and I knew I had found a wonderful mentor in my journey to learn more about wine, especially fortified. He was always there on the end of the phone.”

From Members of Australia’s First Families of Wine
“Always a gentleman and good friend with encouragement of doing what is right. He certainly lived and breathed the values of Australia’s First Families of Wine and the Australian Wine Community.”
“There is no better example than Col of what the AFFW values stand for. With his enthusiasm and strength of family values and his wonderful quick wit.”
“Tenacious, determined and detailed, all values we aspire to, but could never match Colin.” And “We have lost a wonderful friend, and leader, but his legacy will live forever.”

Comments from Friends & Colleagues
As a dear friend who worked on several projects with Col said:
“To spend time with him was marvelous and even better when things were not going well. That’s when he was the person you wanted by your side. Never faltered. Steadfast. Determined and stubborn but somehow uplifting all at the same time.”
“His tireless and relentless pursuit of what he believed was right and good made him a giant among men but it was his generosity and kindness that really set him apart.’’

Comments from Family
Col’s three daughters all gave moving tributes to Col at the ceremony.
Jane: “We’ll carry on with business as usual. Each one of us the stronger for having known you. Thank you Dad for all that you were and all that you have done – your presence will forever be felt and admired.”
Susie: “You are my hero and always will be… so humble, wise, genuine, grassroots, always there for us and everyone.”
And Jules, 5th generation Campbells winemaker reflected on “making wines with Dad and his handover to me of the Campbells wine styles, the importance of that little bit of magic in a blend and custodianship of the precious muscat and topaques. I will always remember that wine doesn’t sleep”
And from Prue: “I loved him dearly for his down to earth nature and total lack of ego, unselfish to the end, genuine and loyal. ’Col – you and I will be a team forever.”

Comments from our Loyal Team
“When it was time to leave, he gracefully knew life was a gift. This week we are forced to say goodbye to one of the true gentlemen to grace this planet. He was not just an employer, but a father figure who believed in and encouraged everyone under his wide wings. Col was one of the kindest most caring and compassionate people I knew who never demanded respect but quietly gained it from all who knew him. Always in our hearts. Rest In Peace Col.”
“For me, and I think for all the Campbells team, amongst the accolades, it is Colin, the person, and his warm and caring leadership that will be greatly missed.”

Comments from our Cellar Club Members
And to finish a special few words from our Cellar Club members
“Please accept our sincere condolences on your loss of a true pioneer of the Australian wine industry.”
“He was a great man. He gave so much to his industry but also to his customers. Always returned calls and provided what support was needed with gusto and enthusiasm.”
“Australia has lost not only a wonderful man but also a giant of our wine industry.”
“Thank you for many years of sheer joy in every glass.”
