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Phone - (02) 6033 6000
Mon - Sat: 10am to 5pm
Sun: 10am - 4pm

Closed Good Friday & Christmas Day
Private tasting & bus group by appointment.

Campbells Wines
4603 Murray Valley Highway, PO Box 44, Rutherglen, Victoria 3685, AUSTRALIA

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Campbells Winery

(02) 6033 6000

4603 Murray Valley Highway Rutherglen Victoria 3685

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Cellar Door

Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm
Sunday 10am – 4pm

Closed Good Friday & Christmas Day. Private tasting & bus group by appointment.

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Campbells Rutherglen Muscat Affogato

Campbells Rutherglen Muscat, coffee granita, vanilla ice-cream and dollop of cream

A simple and delicious alternative to a traditional affogato, which is served with our Campbells Rutherglen Muscat, coffee granita and a nice twist of hot black coffee.

• 3 cups- prepared strong black coffee
• ¾ cup white sugar
– Whilst the coffee is hot, whisk in the sugar until dissolved and pour it into a shallow wide glass container and place it in the freezer until frozen.
– Once frozen, take a fork and use the tip of the fork to scratch and scrape the solid coffee into frozen shaven ice and then store back in freezer.

To serve – take a parfait glass, champagne coupe or small bowl.
– Place a generous scoop of ice-cream in the base and pour over it, one or two 30 ml nips of Campbells Rutherglen Muscat.
– Next, take granita from the freezer and place two generous dessert spoons of the shaven ice over the top, piling it high above the ice-cream.
– Then top with a thickened dollop cream [which is optional] for rich indulgence and serve immediately.

Recipe by Nick Gardner,
Campbells Assistant Winemaker and in-house chef
