Contact Us

Phone - (02) 6033 6000
Mon - Sat: 10am to 5pm
Sun: 10am - 4pm

Closed Good Friday & Christmas Day
Private tasting & bus group by appointment.

Campbells Wines
4603 Murray Valley Highway, PO Box 44, Rutherglen, Victoria 3685, AUSTRALIA

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Campbells Winery

(02) 6033 6000

4603 Murray Valley Highway Rutherglen Victoria 3685

Get directions

Cellar Door

Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm
Sunday 10am – 4pm

Closed Good Friday & Christmas Day. Private tasting & bus group by appointment.

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Welcome Olivia

Campbells is delighted to welcome Olivia Lee as our new Events Coordinator.

Olivia brings a wealth of organisational experience and fresh ideas to the role.

Prior to Campbells, Olivia worked as an Executive Assistant and Office Manager in Melbourne and has recently returned home to the Rutherglen region.

We have a year full of events and we are excited to see them come alive with Olivia at the helm!
