For approx 1L of Syrup:
200g brown sugar
1L water
25g cinnamon
1 stick of cinnamon
5 cloves
1 star anise
1 orange (juice and skin)
1. Bring brown sugar and water to the boil, then reduce to simmer.
2. Add cinnamon, cinnamon stick, cloves and star anise.
3. Cut the orange in half, press the juice and add the juice and skin to the pot.
4. Let it simmer for 2 hours. Transfer to a container passing the syrup through a strainer to remove the
spices and oranges. Keep refrigerated.
5. To make the mulled wine; Mix 325ml of syrup with 750mL of Campbells Shiraz Durif
6. Heat up to 70°c max, or until the alcohol boils away
7. Enjoy fireside…
Recipe provided by Alpine Nature Experience.