We are all eagerly anticipating the familiar sights and smells of vintage here at Campbells. The resounding rumble of ‘Lucy’ the grape harvester, the in and out of the iconic red Campbells tractor trailer delivering grapes to the crusher and the sweet smell of fresh grape juice.
The vineyards are in peak condition after ample summer rains. With full, lush, green canopies and an abundance of fruit, the vines are at the height of good health. While it’s a bit early to anticipate flavour profiles of the grapes, the vine vigor and a great growing season holds us in a promising position for above average yields.
Fred and his team have been busy with annual harvester maintenance, slashing and spraying and are now patiently awaiting the perfect timing to fire up the tractor and get vintage 2022 underway.
The winery crew are finishing off the cleaning and maintenance of vintage equipment including the crusher, press and vintage pumps. We have now taken receival of the yeast and nutrients required and our new oak barrels are due to arrive in early February. These are a combination of French and American oak which will home our Brothers Shiraz, Barkly Durif, Limited Release Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Rutherglen Durif, Bobbie Burns Shiraz and Sixties Block.
We will begin sampling in a week and a half, with the Chardonnay and Gewurz generally being the first pick of the season.
Jules will visit mid-February in time to choose the varieties to go into our Rose from our diverse and interesting Sixties Block.
What an exciting time of year.